Frequently asked questions

Which countries/states can participate?

Countries and states able to participate are Denmark, Estonia, Faroe Island, Finland, Greenland, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Sweden and Åland.

What distinguishes Nordplus Horizontal from the other Nordplus programs?

The main difference is that Nordplus Horizontal is cross-sectoral, that is, the participants in the project can come from different sectors, such as all levels of the education sector, various organizations, NGOs, private companies in addition to the public sector. At least two different sectors must participate in the project, and at least three countries must be involved. The project must have a clear educational profile.

Who may coordinate the project?

All types of institutions/organisations may coordinate the project. It does not have to coordinated by an educational institution.

What activities may the Nordplus Horizontal programme support?

The following activities may be supported: workshops, seminars for exchanging experiences, conferences, studies and analyses, statistical projects, projects aiming to exploit the results of educational research, the production of materials for innovative language training, teaching and translation, or similar materials in other areas of expertise, the establishment of new course modules using new learning and teaching platforms, the publication, distribution and exchange of results and experiences in education.

How long may the projects last?

The maximum duration of a Nordplus Horizontal project is two years.

Are preparatory visits supported through the Horizontal programme?

For the time being, it is not possible to apply for preparatory visits under this programme.

Is it possible to apply for mobility through Nordplus Horizontal?

No, but you can apply for costs for travel and accommodation for people at institutions /organizations participating in the project. Please note that the programme does not use unit costs and therefore expected actual costs must be specified.

Are there demands of self-financing?

No, there is no demands of self-financing in Nordplus Horizontal

Is it possible to apply for funding for a project that will not start until next calendar year?

Yes, in Horizontal we can accept applications where start-up is scheduled for early next year, but payment will be made during the budget year in which the allocation takes place.

How do we apply?

All application should be submitted electronically through the application and report system Espresso. Applications must be submitted by the institution acting as a coordinator for the project in Nordplus Horizontal. An application is not eligible without signed Letters of Intent from all partners (as attachments). While applying there are also help texts available in Espresso.