Frequently asked questions regarding the Nordplus Adult programme.
Frequently asked questions
Which countries/states can participate?
Only applicants from the Nordic countries – Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Iceland, the Baltic countries – Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania – and the autonomous regions of Åland, the Faroe Islands and Greenland, which act as independent countries in Nordplus, are eligible for grants. Institutions placed outside the Nordic and Baltic countries are not eligible for funding from the programme, but can participate in Nordplus projects if they cover their own expenses.
What kind of organizations can participate in Nordplus Adult?
The target group of Nordplus Adult is broad and covers all parts of adult education and learning – formal, non-formal and informal learning, whether in the context of general, liberal or vocational education. Examples of eligible organizations are formal adult education institutions, folk high schools, evening schools, language schools, museums, libraries, NGOs, vocational schools/apprentice programmes, research centers, universities, university colleges, governmental organizations, private enterprises, actors within informal learning, centers for adult learning, public enterprises, guidance centers, upper secondary schools. Overall, Nordplus Adult covers a very wide array of organizations. To be eligible in Nordplus Adult, the initiative must address education and learning directed at “adult learners”.
Does Nordplus Adult cover continuing vocational training (CVET)?
Yes, Nordplus Adult also covers projects aiming at continuing vocational training (CVET). However, please note that applications for exchange of teachers from higher education or from primary/secondary education must be submitted to Nordplus Higher Education and Nordplus Junior respectively.
What activities does Nordplus Adult support?
Nordplus Adult supports mobility projects – i.e. preparatory visits, exchange of teachers and other pedagogical staff and exchange of adult learners. Furthermore, the Adult programme offers grants for collaboration projects – i.e. thematic networks, development projects and mapping projects. You can read more about the different activities in the Nordplus handbook
Is it possible to apply for a preparatory visit?
Yes, Nordplus Adult offers grants for preparatory visits. The objective of a preparatory visit is to meet with potential partners and plan an application for a future deadline. You can apply for a preparatory visit twice a year – in October and in February.
Where can the activities take place?
The activities can take place in the countries represented in the partnership. Please note that the autonomous regions Greenland, Åland and the Faroe Islands are independent countries in Nordplus. That means that activities can only take place in Greenland, Åland and the Faroe Islands if the partnership has a partner or coordinator from these regions.
What is the role of the coordinator?
One of the institutions in the partnership must take on the role as coordinator when applying for funds. This means that this institution is responsible for the application, for distribution of the grant and for coordinating the reporting throughout the contract period. However, the partners must cooperate with the coordinator – e.g. carry out designated tasks, comply with deadlines, give input to reports etc. All participants (coordinator as well as partners) sign a Letter of Intent (LOI), which is attached to the application. The Nordplus administration recommends all partnerships to work out a partnership contract that regulates budget, responsibilities and other internal matters of the project.
Our organization already has a Nordplus Adult project, but is it possible to apply for a new project before the other project is completed?
Yes, it is possible to apply for a new project while you have an ongoing Nordplus Adult project, but the new project must be clearly different from the already awarded project.
What budget categories can be covered in Nordplus Adult?
Nordplus Adult operates with fixed unit costs for all budget categories. In mobility projects, the programme offers grants for travel and subsistence. In collaboration projects, the programme has grants for project management, implementation and dissemination, transnational meetings (travel and subsistence in one grant) and development work. In all project types, it is possible to apply for grants for special needs.
How does the unit cost system work?
The unit cost system sets fixed rates for all budget categories. This makes it transparent for applicants to see how big the Nordplus contribution is, and how much must be self-financed. In the unit costs system, the completed activity triggers the grant. That means that if the beneficiary completes all activities in accordance with the approved budget, the total grant belongs to the project.
Must we document our co-financing?
No, in Nordplus Adult, the co-financing must not be documented. Co-financing is presupposed, and the size of the unit costs reflects this.
How big is the grant?
Nordplus Adult does not set a fixed ceiling for grants. Each project must define its need. However, Nordplus Adult has a limited budget of 1.2 million EUR per year. Therefore, the Nordplus Adult budget template for collaboration projects states some recommendations – e.g. the total number of granted working days per institution for a full project period only in exceptional cases exceeds 40 days, and an average grant for a collaboration project is 50,000 EUR.
What kind of reporting is mandatory in Nordplus Adult?
Projects with a duration above 18 months must submit an interim report, and all projects must submit a final report. Templates for interim and final reports are assigned to the coordinator in Espresso.
When must we submit our final report?
The coordinator must submit the final report 30 days after project end.
We have a new contact person for our Nordplus Adult project. What should we do?
Please contact the Nordplus Adult administration at nordplus@ufm.dk and state name, email and phone number of the new contact person.
We have a new legal representative for our organization. What should we do?
Please contact the Nordplus Adult administration at nordplus@ufm.dk and state name, email and phone number of the new legal representative. Furthermore, the new legal representative must sign a statement, in which he/she declares to be the legal representative of the organization.
We want to prolong the project period of our project. What should we do?
Please contact the Nordplus Adult administration at nordplus@ufm.dk and send a formal request for prolongation, in which you explain the reason. If the prolongation is approved, you will have to send an updated activity plan to the Nordplus Adult administration.